当前所在位置: 主页 > 耀世新闻 > 行业动态





1. Good morning/afternoon/evening. 早上/下午/晚上好。

2. May I help you? 我可以帮助您吗?

3. Could you tell me where the nearest taxi stand is? 您能告诉我最近的出租车站在哪里吗?

4. How much is the fare to the airport? 去机场的车费是多少?

5. Is there a discount for students/senior citizens? 学生/老年人有折扣吗?

6. How long will it take to get there? 到那里需要多长时间?

7. Do I need to book in advance? 我需要提前预订吗?

8. Could you recommend a good hotel nearby? 您能推荐附近的好酒店吗?

9. Are there any vacancies for tonight/tomorrow? 今天晚上/明天有空房间吗?

10. Can you show me on the map where we are? 您能在地图上给我指一下我们的位置吗?

11. Can I have the menu, please? 我能看看菜单吗?

12. What do you recommend? 你们有什么推荐的菜吗?

13. Could I have a glass of water, please? 我可以来一杯水吗?

14. Can I pay by credit card? 我可以用信用卡支付吗?

15. Is there a service charge? 有服务费吗?

16. How much should I tip? 我该给多少小费?

17. Do you accept foreign currency? 你们接受外币吗?

18. Can you exchange money for me? 你们能为我换钱吗?

19. Where is the tourist information center? 旅游信息中心在哪里?

20. What are the must-see attractions in this city? 这个城市有哪些必看景点?

21. How do I get to the museum/park/zoo? 我如何到达博物馆/公园/动物园?

22. Are there any guided tours available? 是否有导游服务?

23. How much does it cost for a guided tour? 一次导游服务需要多少费用?

24. What is the best way to get around the city? 到城市周边最好的方式是什么?

25. Can I rent a bike/car here? 我能在这里租自行车/汽车吗?

26. How much does it cost to rent a bike/car? 租自行车/汽车需要多少费用?

27. Is it safe to walk around at night? 晚上走路安不安全?

28. Are there any group tours available? 是否有团队旅游服务?

29. How long will the tour last? 旅游需要多少时间?

30. What is included in the tour package? 旅游包含哪些服务?

31. Can I bring my own food and drinks? 我能带自己的食物和饮料吗?

32. Are there any restrictions on photography? 拍照有什么限制吗?

33. Where is the nearest pharmacy? 最近的药店在哪里?

34. Can you recommend a good restaurant around here? 您能推荐哪里有好吃的餐厅吗?

35. What time does the restaurant close? 餐厅关闭的时间是什么时候?

36. Can I get a vegetarian meal? 我能点素菜吗?

37. Can you help me with my luggage? 你能帮我拿行李吗?

38. Is there a pool/gym available? 有游泳池/健身房吗?

39. Do you have any rooms with a view? 有带景观的房间吗?

40. Can I have a wake-up call? 我可以订个闹钟叫醒服务吗?

41. What time is check-in/check-out? 入住/退房时间是什么时候?

42. Do you offer room service? 提供客房服务吗?

43. Can I have an extra pillow/blanket/towel? 我可以要一个额外的枕头/毯子/毛巾吗?

44. Can I use the hotel’s shuttle service? 我可以使用酒店的班车服务吗?

45. Is there Wi-Fi available in the room? 房间内有Wi-Fi吗?

46. What is the password for the Wi-Fi? Wi-Fi密码是什么?

47. Can I have a late check-out? 我可以晚些退房吗?

48. Is there a spa/massage available in the hotel? 酒店有SPA/按摩服务吗?

49. Can I have a discount if I stay longer? 如果我入住时间长一些,能得到折扣吗?

50. How do I get to the airport/train station/bus station? 我怎么去机场/火车站/汽车站?

51. Is the airport/train station/bus station far away from here? 机场/火车站/汽车站离这里远吗?

52. Can you book a taxi for me? 你能替我订一辆出租车吗?

53. Is there a direct flight/train/bus to my destination? 到我的目的地是否有直达航班/列车/巴士?

54. Can I check in online? 我能在网上办理登机手续吗?

55. Can I bring my pet with me? 我可以带宠物一起旅行吗?

56. What is the weather like today/tomorrow? 今天/明天天气怎么样?

57. Is there a travel agency nearby? 附近是否有旅行社?

58. Can you help me plan my itinerary? 你能帮我制定旅游计划吗?

59. Are there any festivals/events in town during my stay? 我在这里度假期间有什么节日或活动吗?

60. How much is the entrance fee to the park/museum/theme park? 去公园/博物馆/主题公园需要多少门票?

61. What are the opening/closing hours of the park/museum/theme park? 公园/博物馆/主题公园的开放/关闭时间是什么?

62. Are there any discounts available for students/senior citizens? 学生/老年人有折扣吗?

63. Can I bring my own food and drinks into the park/museum/theme park? 我可以带自己的食物和饮料进公园/博物馆/主题公园吗?

64. What is the age limit for children’s tickets? 儿童票的年龄限制是什么?

65. Is there a discount for group purchases? 团购有折扣吗?

66. Can I pay with a credit card? 我能用信用卡支付吗?

67. What is the cancellation policy? 什么是取消政策?

68. How do I cancel my reservation? 我如何取消预订?

69. Is there a penalty for cancellations? 取消会有惩罚吗?

70. Can I reschedule my reservation? 我可以改变预定时间吗?

71. Can I get a refund if I cancel my reservation? 如果我取消预订,能获得退款吗?

72. Are there any activities for kids in town? 这个城市有什么适合孩子的活动?

73. Are there any cultural events going on in town? 这个城市有什么文化活动?

74. Can I rent a camper van for my trip? 我能租一辆货车去旅行吗?

75. Is there a language barrier here? 话语方面是否存在障碍?

76. Can I get a translation service? 我能得到翻译服务吗?

77. What is the local currency? 当地货币是什么?

78. Where can I exchange currency? 在哪里兑换货币?

79. What is the exchange rate? 汇率是多少?

80. What is the shopping district? 购物区在哪里?

81. What is the local specialty? 当地的特色菜是什么?

82. Can I buy duty-free products here? 我可以在这里购买免税商品吗?

83. Is bargaining allowed here? 这里可以讨价还价吗?

84. What is the tax rate on goods? 商品的税率是多少?

85. What is the refund policy? 退款政策是什么?

86. How do I return defective goods? 如何退换损坏的商品?

87. Can I have a discount on this item? 我能在这个产品上打折吗?

88. Can I pay with traveler’s checks? 我能用旅行支票付款吗?

89. Can I get a receipt? 我可以得到发票吗?

90. Is there a lost and found service? 有失物招领服务吗?

91. How do I report a lost item? 我如何报告丢失的物品?

92. Is there a medical facility nearby? 附近有医疗设施吗?

93. Can you recommend a good doctor/dentist? 你能推荐好的医生/牙医吗?

94. Do I need any vaccines for this trip? 我需要为这次旅行接种疫苗吗?

95. How do I get medical assistance in case of an emergency? 在紧急情况下,我如何获得医疗援助?

96. Is it safe to drink tap water? 饮用自来水是否安全?

97. Can I bring my own medicine? 我可以携带自己的药品吗?

98. Are there any dress codes I need to follow? 我需要遵循什么着装规定?

99. What is the voltage/frequency of the electrical outlets here? 这里的电压/频率是多少?

100. How do I call for emergency services? 如何呼叫紧急服务?

